Configuration Manager
Error handling
There is a virtual client available, called 'ERRORHANDLER',
for handling PRODBX errors to external programs.
If you want that for instance someone to get an
e-mail when the connection with the database is broken (error 5024), you can
configure a tables and mappings entry in the configuration manager for this
Follow this procedure:
- Go in the 'Source tables and Mapping'
section of the configuration manager and select 'New...'
- Select 'ERRORHANDLER' at the 'Source
connection name' input list.
- Type the error number in the field 'Error
number'. This is a number between 5000 and 6000. Other numbers (such as the
3000 range) are not supported.
- Enter the error attribute. This can have 4
- NUMBER: the error number itself
- TEXT: the literal text of the error
- LEVEL: 1= non-critical, 2= critical, 3= blocking
- All other entries are as usual.
For example: if you want to send a mail to
'gizzmo@gremlins.org' when error 5024 occurs.
- Create a mail type client
- Create a number of 'tables and mapping'
entries with ERRORHANDLER as source connection.
- Error number= 5024, Error attribute= NUMBER,
primary key enabled, translate function= DEFAULT_STRING, parameter1=
gizzmo@gremlins.org, destination table= MESSAGE, destination field= To
- Error number= 5024, Error attribute= NUMBER,
primary key disabled, multiple use number= 2, translate function= SIMPLE,
destination table= MESSAGE, destination field= Subject
- Error number= 5024, Error attribute= TEXT,
primary key disabled, translate function= SIMPLE, destination table= MESSAGE,
destination field= Body